Thursday, June 23, 2016

Third Inked Page

This page was a fun one because of the checkered background and all the characters in this page. This was one of the pages that was sent to me from DC Comics. They sent me 3 copies of pages, 2 Legends of the DC Universe and Green Lantern.

There are some rough spots on this page, I was still working on cross hatching skills and how to correct using the bleed proof white paint. Overall I'm happy with how this one turned out.

The inking process was completed mostly with Technical Pens, very little brush work.

Same process for transferring the page to a comic art board...tracing the page on a light box.


Original Pencils: 

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Second Inked Page

Here is my second inked page. This was the second  page that was included in my inking kit from a long time ago.

Inked primarily with Technical Pens (Koh-I-Nor).

Page setup was the same as the previous post, page traced over light box on a Blue Line Comic Art Board.

This page was from a Comic called "StormQuest" no issue or page number specified.

 And here is the copy of the penciled page.
On a side note, I apologize that the pages have a blur and the pages aren't completely lining up in the middle. I'm having to scan the pages with 2 scans and put them together in Photoshop. I'm not that experienced in Photoshop so I'm learning as I go.

Monday, June 20, 2016

First Inked Page

Here is the first actual page I inked. It's been a long time since I worked on this piece. It was one of two pages that came with an inking kit. I have no idea who did the pencils. It was a page from a comic book titled "Blood and Roses" I don't have much information, but it looks like an interesting story.

This page was inked primarily with Technical pens.
My process then was to take the penciled page and place a blank comic art board (Blue Line in this case.) Line up the borders and lay them on a light box. From that point I traced over the pencils to have them on a Comic Art Board that would hold up to the inking process.

And here is the original pencil page: