Sunday, June 18, 2017

Update of sorts

I haven't posted in quite a while (damn near a year???). In my defense I have had a lot going on. I lost my job in August of 2016 and have since been focusing on my Artwork and comic book inking when I have time. It's really surprising that now that I don't work I seem to be more busy with errands and everything else versus when I was working. I think I actually had more free time when I was working....and I'm still trying to figure that out.

Regardless I've managed to get some good copies of penciled pages for inking and have been working on those. I'll be posting those soon. My plan is to submit my first batch of submissions in about a week. I currently have 4 pieces done that I believe are pretty damn good. I'm making a goal of uploading new artwork or a general update bi-weekly, hopefully more often.

And in case I haven't mentioned it in a while I am available for commissions and work and also for inking comic books. I am still working on my penciling skills, but have chosen to focus on inking for now.

By inking pages I can study how the original artist set the pace and timing of the story as well as the images. I feel as though I need more work in pace and timing in converting the script. And of course my anatomy and figure structure. Hey at least I recognize my weaknesses and I am working on them.

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