Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's only a dream!

Freddy Krueger from "A Nightmare on Elm Street" You hope it's only a dream. This series started out when I was a teenager. Freddy was scary, or the idea of Freddy was scary, I'm not sure which. I just remember the one dream I had with him in it. I fell asleep in front of the TV while Nightmare 3 (Dram Warriors) was on. So I heard what was on the TV while I was sleeping and it affected the dream. Now some 20 + years latter, I can still remember the dream...DAMN! Well obviously I didn't it is only a dream.....whew. You think Robert Englund (the guy who played Freddy) had crazy dreams from playing him? Obviously Freddy Krueger is my all time favorite creepy scary bad guy. So here he is.

Yes, the card was created by the usual process...I think I'm just gonna stop posting the process, unless I actually do something different.

"Chi Chi Chi - Ah Ah Ah"

Jason Voorhees from the "Friday the 13th" Movies. I don't know why that noise was always in the background when he was around. But lemme tell ya. If I was out in the woods, and heard that sound...yep, I'd probably leave a puddle as I ran off screaming....ok not really I'm not that much of a coward... But Yeah, I'd run, I'd put a hole in the wall from running through it. Who wasn't a little scared by the Friday the 13th movies. I remember watching some of these at my friends house with some girls.....Heck yeah, we got to snuggle up with them before the movie was over. That was the best part of watching scary movies with the girls.

Usual Process....again (Hey, I'm a creature of habit).

Happy Halloween

Micheal Meyers from the "Halloween" movies. Yeah I can't remember him ever speaking or making a noise for that matter, so we get Happy Halloween for the title. This guy gave me the creeps as a child. Ok, be honest, if you saw a guy walking down the street with this mask on, you'd run. I'm not gonna lie... I would.

Usual process - see "Seven Day's" Post.

"Would you like to play a game?"

Jigsaw puppet from the "Saw" Movies. Ok, so Jigsaw was an old man with serious health problems. He was a genius with his traps and "games" but the creepy part to me was the Jigsaw Puppet, so I drew the puppet.

Usual process, see previous post.

"Seven Days"

Samara Morgan from "THE RING" - After you watch her crazy weird video, you'll get a phone call and all she will say is "Seven Days" which is how long you have to live, and all kinds of craziness will happen to you during those last seven days. So if you watch the video...don't answer the phone. Ok seriously the first time I watched the ring, I watched it alond in my living room with the lights off. After the movie my phone rang, and I thought..."Oh Hell NO! I'm not answering that" I think the first movie was good, and even had some potential. The ending was pretty creepy. Then they messed up with the second....Damn.

Ok, usual process (which at some point in the future I will post a step by step detailed process). Pencilled on a card template I made with the computer. The template is printed on standard card stock. Roughed out with my trusty Staedtler Lead Holder w/ 2H Lead. Detail with my favorite Staedtler 0.5 mm Automatic pencil with 0.5 2H lead (I like these to be Hypodermic sharp), Inked with mosty the Koh-I-Nor Rapidograph technical pens with the Black India Ink. Colored with the Prisma Color Markers.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Aayla Secura

Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight. I think she had alot of potential as a character and didn't get enough screen time in episode II or episode III. Hopefully in the Clone Wars Cartoon coming in October we will get to see more of here. Ok, drawn on 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock, with 2H Lead Holder, Detailed with an Automatic Pencil (they stay sharp)using 2H Lead (it's my favorite Lead) Inked with Rapidograph Technical Pens and colored with Prismacolor markers.