Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It begins…..again and anew.

It was sometime in March 1987, I was 14 years old. There was a snow storm and school had been canceled for the next day. My neighbor wanted to walk to the local convenience store and stock up on supplies (chips, snacks and junk) for the next day, of course I was down for this so I got some money from my mom bundled up and walked to the store. We ran into some of our fellow classmates (2 girls who lived down the road) that were doing the same thing. We had a snowball fight and general fun in the snow on the way, that’s not the point of this story. When we were at the store I decided to buy some comic books for the duration of our snow day(s). Now I of course already had several comic books and was not new to this medium. I noticed two issues of a comic called “Zero Patrol” so I got them and a couple of others. When I got home (probably around 9 pm) I went in my room sat at my desk and started reading them. I lost myself in the story and artwork of the first issue. When I finished I had the thought “What an amazing way to tell a story.” It was at that moment I thought I wanted to tell stories with art. I had always enjoyed drawing various things, even some comic book characters (Superman, Batman, etc.). But never before did I stop to think that some people made a living doing this as their career. Even before opening the 2nd issue of “Zero Patrol” I had some paper and pencil in hand sketching images from the 1st issue. It was like something just clicked in myself and I was inspired. Then I hear a knock on my window, knowing it was my neighbor, I opened the curtains and window. He wanted me to sneak out and go with him to the girls’ house to watch some movies. I then realized I lost myself in drawing, I had gone through several sheets of paper and it was two hours later. So the point of the story is that I actually found something that inspired me and I Loved it…drawing, telling stories with images. From that moment on, I have wanted to tell stories with my artwork, so this is where I consider that my artistic journey actually began. And yes, I went to Lisa’s house with him. No I didn’t actually have to sneak out, my mother was cool and let me, since she knew where I was going. But when we got there, they were already asleep, so it was a bust. I went home and read the 2nd issue of “Zero Patrol” and began drawing until I was ready to pass out for the night. Zero Patrol # 1 Zero Patrol # 2

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